Sunday, 19 February 2017

The Invisible Man vs Invisible Man: A Faux Pas

Invisible Man (Penguin Modern Classics)The Invisible Man

So I’m in my final year of University, and I’m doing my last ever literature module on Civil Rights Literature of the 20th Century. I’m loving it. 

The texts are diverse and excellent. We are following a fantastic documentary about the Civil Rights movement, and the texts relate to this documentary. We also spend a significant amount of time each seminar talking about the state of the current world (Donald Trump’s disastrous administration in particular) and drawing similarities.

So it’s a great last module to be taking at the end of University.

It’s also the first module in which I made the biggest faux pas of my University experience.
I got the books weeks in advance and felt pretty proud of myself that I’d been so organised. It was the fourth week in and this week we had to read The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells. 

Or so I thought.