Tuesday, 26 July 2016

First Ever Kindle Read | The Art of Being Normal


I always meant to buy a kindle, but I never got round to it. When they were first introduced back in the day, I hated them. I was in my mid teens and I thought all bookshops were going to shut down, and the world was officially over. But I grew up. I realised that Kindles and E-readers aren’t replacing books in the market. That they are convenient and cheaper and easier to carry round.  I still adore paperback books and prefer them. But the thing we’ve all come for is the stories. The stories are what keeps me interested, not whether I’m reading it on paper or a screen.

But I never bought one. I never could afford to just drop £50 or £60 on something I didn’t really need. So when someone offered me a 1st gen kindle as they’d never used it, I jumped at the offer.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

The Martian Book to Movie | Review

The Martian

“I Started the day with some nothin’ tea. Nothin’ tea is easy to make. First, get some hot water, then add nothin’. I experimented with potato skin tea a few weeks ago. The less said about that the better.”

Being late to the party as I always am, I finally got around to reading The Martian after hearing so many good things about it around the interwebs. Seeing as the DVD is coming out in a few days, I decided to be super relevant and promote the shit out of this FANTASTIC book and film.

The story features Mark Watney, an astronaut (and more importantly a Botanist) who is on Mars as part of the Ares 4 Mission when a sandstorm forces the team to leave. However, Mark is impaled, thought dead and has to be left behind.